The funnywoman's beloved dad Merv, a former rugby player, was taken to hospital for an emergency operation last week (ends15Jan12), and Lette shared her agony with followers on her page.
In a series of posts, she wrote, "Just rushed my dear dad to hospital 4 (sic) emergency surgery. My older sister is being a rock. I am a mere pebble. Worried sick. He may lose leg. My dad's called Merv... Hard 2 c (see) him so vulnerable.
"Thank u all for so many electronic hugs. We r (are) in intensive care now, about to talk to surgeon. But your words have been so comforting."
She later added, "Surgery unsussessful (sic). A cruel irony 2 think of dad, once the fastest front row forward in oz (Australian) history when playing 4 Bulldogs (team), losing his leg."
Merv lost his fight for life on Tuesday, and Lette told fans: "Our darling Dad died peacefully today showered in love from his devoted family. We are broken hearted."
Dannii Minogue reached out to her pal on the microblogging site after hearing the sad news, declaring, "My love goes out to Kathy Lette and her family Merv RIP."
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